Monday, December 7, 2009

"Planners", and "organizers", and "steer-the-course-ers" and why I don't aspire to be one

I've come to the conclusion that I am not a "planner."

You know the type: organized, ambitious, and steer the course.


I went through high school with every intention of becoming a planner.

I went through college with every intention of becoming a planner.

Then, I started my JVC year with the intention of becoming a planner.

One day, I would stop NOT planning and start planning.

But I'm not a planner.

I can't do it.

I have a planner.

It's pink and brown.

It has lots of room for scheduling, and list making, and life organizing.

It has lots of empty space because I don't write it in.

It has lots of empty space because, instead, I write notes to myself on post-its and carry them around in my pockets and backpack.

Because I'm not a "planner."

So now, I've decided to stop trying to be a "planner" because I've been trying for 8 years and it's not happening.

I'm going to continue being a non-planner.

Because that's what works for me.

I wound up at McMurry University by not planning.

I wound up in JVC by not planning.

I wound up at Isaiah House by not planning.

Not planning is actually a positive quality (or so I'm going to keep telling myself).

Not planning has left room for opportunity and possibility.

By not planning I have ended up where I was supposed to be all along.

So my life plan is to not plan because by planning my own plan I am not following my life planner's plan.

Catch my drift?

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